You can't get too much of a good thing, so let's see some more fractal images. Some of these are generated by par files made generally available by other people. The parameter file for these is again available here PARMFILE THREE. This contains the author credits for all these pictures along with their source locations. Some of these will require the formula file obtainable from the previous page. Again the names and types are supplied.
Aciddrop (mandel), Angel Fish (formula mfn2fn sin/cotan), BugEyed (newtonsinexp)
Growing Snowflake (IFS type swirl5), Red Giant (mandelcloud), Lace Doilly (hopalong)
Highrise Flats (formula ok-09 sin), Lavaflow (formula htd), Eye to Eye (manfn+exp recip)
some more icons
Two Sided (icon), Triblob (formula ok-12 ident/recip), Volcano 9 (formula pheonix)
a few more normals
Scythe (tetrate), To the point (fn+fn sin/sin), Burr5 (mandel)
Flocks, Galaxy, Julia Land ( all julias)
Mandel Chaos (mandel), Mandel Zoom (mandel), Complex (complexnewton)