Yes! We are still allowing the barbaric act of de-horning of these magnificent animals,
leading to their demise. The horns are much prized by unscrupulous traders, sold to the
highest bidder to make potions, aphrodisiacs, tribal medicines and rituals.
Greed raises it ugly head once more at the expense in the long term of all of us!
Action has to be swift or we in our lifetime will be responsible for the total decimation
of the Rhino.
Scientists and Geneticists have raced ahead finding new ways of modifying foods, cloning animals and humans. Patents are being sought for the use of our genes, the faceless controllers of these patents say they are for the betterment of mankind, the eradication of diseases and famine.
This will become a issue of great concern in the not too distant future.
Running parallel with the above topics is the current Balkan conflict, some suggest a rebirth of the early crusades where Muslim and Christian fought over land and riches under the guise of religious supremacy. As the western governments politically held back awaiting the war to subside, thousands of innocents met their deaths, an appalling disgrace on our part.
Where were the world's church leaders at this moment in time!
The lone Cow descending the back of the whale symbolizes the B.S.E epidemic and the positive finding for C.J.D. in man. This brought about by complacency, cost cutting, bad farming practices, and yes! greed.
The painting is bright and busy, enjoy it for what it is and for what it represents!
We must not let this 'control-freak' rape of choice (at all levels) persist...