Therefore the flora and fauna depicted in the painting represent the inane acts of
wanton killing for the furtherance of greed.
Mega conglomerates hold great power's within owr society, they have the ability to
manipulate governments into their stratagem for greater profit without consideration
for the long tenn consequences to our surroundings our health or the ecosystems
that enable the flora and fauna to coexist along with modern man.
Man is the dominant animal on Earth but as only been here a relatively short period.
The more advanced we have become demonstrates that issues like climate change, land
erosion, deforestation, species annihilation, eventual extinction of rare flora and fauna
are not being addressed.
Top left hand corner a levitating figure less suit emitting sharp thorny tendrils, they in turn intertwine the fragmented wall, skull, dome area exiting the painting to the right. This represents a religious connotation, the Christian ideal of a hyper physical being residing in the outer cosmos. The Christian movement from its humble beginnings is unrecognizable today. Schisms have formed due to differences of opinion, ideology and internecine strife. Today the church is all powerful, it does not like change, it sits on the fence especially when environmental and social issues come to the fore. The church and politics are hand in glove, both strive for power over individuals minds, control means stability.
Enjoy the painting, I hope they give you, the onlooker an insight into the way I perceive our environment.
Malthus supposed that with an endlessly growing population that humans would eventually perish from a simple lack of food, little did he suspect that the human race would deliberately choose to poison itself to death ever more quickly - by destroying the entire planetary ecosystem with their pointless (and escalating) consumption and pollution...
Bigger, better,