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The New World Order (Mega-Conglomerates)

( Size: 24.5" x 44" Oils )

The painting depicts the U.S.A.'s "New World Order" policy.

At its head a President and a team of elected statesmen who have clandestine machinations with world dominance.

It has taken over the role of the U.N. on peace keeping policy. It dictates, under the guise of open democracy, how it wants the governments of the world to perform.

Subjects in the painting:

New World Order The painting depicts a Hapsburg Sphere used to create a vacuum, central to this is our Earth (Gaia) encircled in a clamp like device cloaked with the colours of the American flag. The attire erect without a body represents Uncle Sam as the manipulator of the Vacuum Chamber (metaphor for World Policy).

Pepsi Cola Can, an ensign fronting the Mega-conglomerates of the U.S.A.. a colossus of faceless enterprise.

thus creating vast wastelands and devastation of the world's ecology.

The Statue of Liberty, top right depicts the overseeing of the U.S.A.'s intentions using the guise of Freedom, Justice and Equality to create a stranglehold on all our futures.

We need to take a conscious view of our world or a Vacuum tainted with Apathy will ensue.

E.W.Powell. Painting completed 10.4.1996

Complexity comment:

To dominate one must control, to control we must prevent freedom. Only from freedom comes progress, new ideas. Trying to remove all competitors, to corner the market worldwide, leads to a static complacency, a delusion of supremacy - the idea that the 'best' somehow has prevailed. That is not the case, the 'best' is not a static state but a dynamic one. Prevention of choice ensures that the optimum, for most people, is just unavailable...

Does the U.S. motto now translate, in corporate doublespeak, to:

Freedom - steal the Earth's resources at will ?
Justice - remove people's jobs at a whim ?
Equality - force a monopoly on the world ?

In place of the local robber barons, in place of the God given rights of kings, now come the global corporate megalomanics.

All impose their own laws,
All are beyond the control of the people,
All are selfishly irresponsible...

Page Version 1.1 October 1998