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The Blue Fish (Metaphor)

( Size: 58" x 38.5" Oils )

The title is a symbolic dual metaphor for either the modernist Darwinian theory of our evolution or the belief in our creation by a hyper-physical being (God) situated in hyper-physical space.

Subjects in the painting:


The Fish

The fish, a Christian symbol of faith, is also painted blue, the reflected colour of the world's oceans. The blue symbolically represents the evolutionary tract man has ventured upon due to natural selection.

Running parallel with the above themes is the plight of the Earth as a living entity in her own right (Gaia).

The wanton abusive reaping of Earth's resources can only, in the long term, have catastrophic results.

Action to stop mans determination to exploit the worlds minerals must be brought to the forefront, the multi-nationals must be held to account.

Maybe science and space exploration will one day have the answers to our existence, maybe evolution and God are one and the same. The more knowledge we acquire should lead in the long-term to less dependency on Gods, Deities, Folklore and Taboos.

E.W.Powell 5.6.98. Painting completed January 1995.

Complexity comment:

Humanity is, in the views of many, the highest lifeform on Earth, but to get to where we are today we had to evolve. This was not only in the Darwinian sense over eons but also over the medium term (by education) and in surviving also over the short term (by immune system). We still have a very long way to go before we approach the perfect image we have of ourselves. Can any of us look around and say "This is the Best of All Possible Worlds" ? Yet WE made it, WE support its faults and WE alone can change it by our actions.

The responsibility to change is ours, both individually and collectively...

Page Version 1.1 October 1998