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Three Selves

( Size: 140cm x 240cm Acrylic and collage on canvas )

Whether textured, tinted, hinted at or fully exposed -
from paints potent as a blood that drips and soaks,
stains an imagery of colours, fragments of movement -
The paused frame of a spinning reel, the captured
insinuation of gesture - a surge of motions and emotions
caught in a still of life.

Three Selves

Leila Kubba Kawash 1996.

A mixed process of creation and excavation, uncovered
stones of buried pasts - Here a rediscovery, Renaissance
turn from traditionalism to transcendentalism,
to figures that breath across canvases, deep sighs of colours,
heaves of movement, heavy drama.

Ameera Kawash

Complexity comment:

From our genes the beginning, an organism, a naked self.
A world encountered, experience molding a neuronal net, self two.
And on through time our place in society found,
The final layer, cultural me. Ephemeral self.
Page Version 1.0 June 1999