By taking a wider view, we can regard Technology as a form of applied dreams, Art as science applied in alternative dimensions, Mathematics as providing the structure that defines our world, Spirit as inhabiting exactly the same Platonic unreality as Mathematics and Fantasy. Religious and Scientific dogmas both can be seen as bubble worship, blinkered views that refuse to acknowledge the wider universe around them. This drive to seal off minor realities, common to so many specialisms, is grounded in control, our need to dominate our world, to make static what refuses to be held.
The world around us can be characterised by change, by movement, by dynamics that care nothing for human assumptions of stability. When we impose fixed structures on our world we are trying to force it to conform to our own limitations, we are forcing the infinite into the finite, creating a limited God (whether religious, scientific or mathematical). Dogma is divisions, barriers to thought and freedom and this impoverishes our humanity. Geometry has become a very fluid field, by breaking the Euclidean straitjacket it created Topology, dynamic patterns that swirl and dance through multi-dimensional space. Many other such barriers are now starting to come down, freeing us from the bonds of time and space, culture and dualism. In this new world those artificial walls between disciplines dissolve, all becomes one, a universe of interdisciplinary magic. One world.