This is quite a large painting with a variety of topics flowing within it, ranging from genetic and biological engineering, birth control, animal annihilation, the American Indians, philosophy, religion, deities, worship, modernism and idolatry, women's role in society, global environmental issues, pollution and so on, the list is endless !
Here, I will elaborate on a few of the above topics.
The U.S.A. has told the world it no longer strives for an
arsenal of Biological and Chemical agents to aid warfare.
In turn it would like the rest of the world to follow their
lead, especially Russia and China. If they came on board their
influence would set a precedent, which in turn would alleviate
the tension throughout the world, of the threat of war with
the weapons of cataclysmic proportions.
In the Doomsday scenario, the agents, once airborne would indeed kill millions of people and animals, they may mutate into a super-strain and without any vaccines the proverbial "would definitely hit the fan".......but leaving the infrastructure of towns and cities intact, therefore the cost of War is reduced in terms of the material destruction but high in terms of the slaughter of the innocent. Despite the 'good economics', the people alive in the aftermath of a Bio-Chemical confrontation would be experiencing sights quite beyond comprehension.
In the areas effected by the contamination this would result in a total breakdown to function as a society, communications would be adversely disrupted, and "Funeral Pyres" everywhere you care to look.
The ethics toward a Christian burial would cease, logistically a non-starter.
The spread of disease and pollution to water courses would decimate the equilibrium to ecosystems, habitats, to domestic and to wild animals, creating vast insoluble problems for humans and animals alike.
I wrote earlier that I would elaborate on a few of the above topics, but I feel it would be easier to write a book ! So just enjoy the painting and let your own thoughts and imagination interpret it as you see fit.
Toleration of violence and destruction is one of the biggest problems in the world today. Freedom of the individual should not extend to allowing them to destroy others or their property, we should have freedom of creation but not of destruction.
Any society relies on mutual respect to uphold the values it enshrines, but the benefits of the society only come from active co-operation, the sharing of tasks that allows the society to achieve greater heights than those possible for an individual. Any individual that fails to respect the society of which they claim to be a part loses any claim to the benefits thereof. This is societies ultimate weapon to deal with dissenters - exclusion. World diversity allows people who do not fit into one form of society to join another, and this tolerance of alternative lifestyles is essential to maintain human progress and prevent stagnation and regression. This, however, can work only if we don't all try to kill each other...