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Genesis In Crisis

( Size: 32" x 24" Oils )

A present day "Modernist Eden", a would be paradise for Man.

The Christian practise of worship, with a starting point of that of a mythical Utopia. Religious parallel with hopes, desires and spiritual aspirations of modern Man. Our future Christian beliefs will only survive when it wakes up, modernises and become bereft of mythical superstition, dogma and to shed its pretentiousness.

Subjects in the painting:


The Apple

Red, partially devoured represents, as I see it, the wrath of God at the onset of the birth of Man (Adam & Eve) free will to accept or ignore the warning (Eating of the Fruit) of the forbidden fruit, a mythical metaphor for consequence. Coloured Red, for suffering, the colour of Life (Blood).

The Honeycomb

Synonymous with order and activity, the "Queen" as a figurehead, all powerful. The underlings, the worker and drone bees securing her source of food, and tending her every need with fanaticism. The "Honeycomb" also represents as a parallel the House of God, Sanctuary, fulfilment, dedication and devotion. Humans and bees naturalistic, ephemeral, duty bound.

The Woman

Reclining with upturned water pitcher is an extension of the walking cane situated in the right hand of the Man, thus allowing him the status of being upright, dominant, in control. He is wearing Top Hat, Tie and Tails, masterful, all powerful, patriarchal, demanding.

She the "Women" in turn, is shadowed by man's presence, even though she is the mother of our future generations, the cornerstone of society she is still heavy laden and within some quarters of society, secondary, physically and intellectually.

The Blue Sky

Reflected colour of the worlds oceans. Water from the pitcher symbolises the theory of Darwinism.

Emancipation of Women, freedom from mans dominance, legal, social, intellectual and moral restraint will I am sure be beneficial in the long term. but at what price to society as a whole !

E.W.Powell, 6.7.98. Painting completed 1993.

Complexity comment:

Why wait for paradise ?
Everything people think of as their ideal in the afterlife is available now...

If they squander the opportunity here, why should their 'God' grant it later ???
If life is a test ground for God's exam, who can truely say they have adequately even attempted the first question - can you live in peace with one another for eternity ?

Page Version 1.1 October 1998