Evil, powerful, sober men have exhumed a dormant upheaval to do their
bidding. Politics and megalomania have fuelled another intangible encounter with the taking
of innocent peoples lives, leaving an aura of melancholia amongst the peoples of Kuwait
and Iraq.
The coalition is as strong as ever, the casualties are extremely low. The Iraqi air forces are being systematically eroded. The Iraqi ground forces cannot sustain the onslaught of the superior weaponry displayed by the coalition forces.
The horseman is executing his duties to the letter. As predicted thousands have perished, children orphaned, wives widowed and people have become refugees.
Animals and bird life slaughtered. The ecosystems of the area have been disturbed, wildlife habitats have been laid to waste. The air we breathe polluted, blackened by irresponsible burning of oil well heads. Water and rivers polluted by oil flowing to the sea. Oil wells at sea regurgitate their wealth upon unsuspecting bird life and suffocate marine life. This is an ecological disaster on an unprecedented scale. Everybody on this planet will be affected by this war in some capacity.
There is also the religious factor, some taking the stance of a rebirth of the holy wars. Outside influences by neighbouring countries do not facilitate the situation. The fourth horseman has nurtured his men in power, he has brought them through unscathed, promoted their decisions causing untold destruction and has eroded all that is valued by civilised nations.
In executing this work I have endeavoured to forward the viewer an image of an inane environment, encompassing a situation giving off vibrations of dark satanic overtones.
This painting is dedicated as a statement to the non-glorification of war and its victors. War is a contemptible act, an event of a breakdown in communication between nations.
There is a place for war, and for tyrants and despots who favour the side of the fourth horseman of the apocalypse.
Confine it to the history books...
Too hard ?
Name a war where the victor didn't lose any men or materials ?
Name a war where the spoils remaining were worth those losses to the victorious widows ?
Conflict is a negative-sum contest. Both sides always lose. If the leaders cared about the resources in people and materials that were wantonly destroyed (on both sides) then there would be no more wars.
Now ask yourself who elected them or who still supports them ?
The answer is always in your hands, if you choose to speak out...